My name is Ron,

I currently hold a technician's class operators amateur radio license. My call sign is KB1FWP. Station is located in Johnston, Rhode Island.  I have background in electronics, computers, Can build custom PC's and do web related work. I am currently working as a free lance computer technician. I also own my own Disk Jockey business, And DJ/MC various events around New England. Other interests include Linux And digital creation , editing and manipulation of Audio used in ambient and dance music.

Here are a few pics :

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On the left is my icom 2100h, It is sitting on top of my TNC. I use this rig strictly for Packet and APRS.

It is powered by a Pyramid 12 amp power supply.  On the right side is my voice rig It is a Yaesu FT-5100, It is on a separate 40 amp  power supply . I am currently only running 1 antenna for both rigs, so I am limited to either running one or the other. Future station modifications will include Either another antenna (one for each radio) or a duplexer. So I use an antenna switch for now (pictured bellow).

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Here you can see the antenna switch, also note the extra heat sink I added to my FT-5100.

My antenna is a Radio shack Discone. Luckily I am in a good location.