Port Townsend, Washington

The background image is the 84 foot
tower in my yard!

Click here to see
the picture the background
was made from.

As you will see, there are a number
of antenna's on this tower.
A few more occupied it at one time,
until the fateful day of the high
winds, which stressed the lower
section into failure.
Sad, but a new section was added to
the fallen 80 foot tower and a
salvaged 4 foot was kept.
Making the total a mear 84 foot.

Unfortunatly, the cubical quad didn't
fair as well and after three years, is
still in need of one part.
Maybe you have it?

If you do...E-Mail me:
[email protected]

Frequencies that are used on the tower include:
N7UTB     145.15 Mhz w/114.8 Hz tone Repeater
KA7ZEM 441.325 Mhz w/103.5 Hz tone Repeater
PTN 145.03 Mhz Packet Node

Yes, I have HF capabilities.
Check into the following nets
where you might catch me.

Port Ludlow Boaters Net ---3.865
8:30 am PST
365 days per year

Alaska Pacific Preparedness Traffic Net 14.292
 Monday - Friday 9:30 am PST
365 days per year

Noon Time Traffic Net 7.268.5
12:00 pm PST
365 days per year

HF and VHF/UHF Mobile abilities too!
Look at this little jem of a rig.

Since it is a diesel, the long haul trips down south are easier to afford.
Going south to Oregon, we visit KC7CZZ' QTH.

The mobile rig's antennas can be seen with a
rear shot.

As you can see, there is a screwdriver HF antenna
on the rear bumper.
On top is a dual band, VHF/UHF antenna.
What you can't see unless you really, really try
is a small dome that sits atop the car in
front of the dual band antenna.
It's the GPS antenna.

The landscape around the house makes easy antenna hanging.

Can you believe the shot was made with a miniture crossbow with fishline?
There's a fork in the tree. Great for antenna wires.
Another bad news story, tree must come down.
It's dead.
So instead of letting it pull the antenna apart during the
next windstorm as it falls, we'll cut it down and put the
antenna in another nearby tree. Hmmmmm Which one???

There is a nice dipole set up from the hill top to the lower plains
of the landscape. It's too big to put on here, but I thought
you should know. It's to catch those RV'ers when they visit.

Two more pictures of the antenna farm:

And I know what everyone wants to really see:

That's me on the hood. - of course.

Have a great day!

Visit with these friendly HAM sites:

and if your in Port Townsend, or checking into a net, say hello!
KA7ZEM "Jerry"


This site was designed by KC7CZZ specifically for KA7ZEM with great respect.