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I can normally be found on the 14.336 County Hunter/Mobile Emergency Net and the Maritime Mobile Service Net on 14.300 during the day.  Also, I try to monitor 146.520 when in the shack.


Here are some organizations that I support by affiliation or participation:


County Hunters have to check out this site for free COUNTY TRACKING MAPS


Here's some of the equipment in my shack:

Icom IC-718 HF Transceiver

CAP/MARS modified.

PRO-2052 Scanner

Texas Instruments Extensa 570CDT

HTX-202 2-meter HT

Me hard at "work".


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What does the sun look like right now?

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All you Possum Trotters remember the code of the possum. Walk softly and wear a big grin. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and if things go wrong, don't go with them. Just hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.  That's all for now, friends, because the tall pines pine, and the paw-paws pause, and the bumble bees bumble all around. The grasshoppers hop, and the eavesdroppers drop while gently, the ole possum slips away.

The "Judge" WA4LZD  PT# uno



This page Created  by "Texas Tea"

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