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  • KA0PSE/B Beacon!

    I hope you enjoy your visit and find something worthwhile. The equipment in the shack consists of a Kenwood TS-520SE, a Kenwood 2200A, a TenTech 1208 6-Meter transverter, a converted Hy-gain V SSB CB and an ever increasing number of computers. The TNC in the photo is a MFJ-1270B that I use for DX packetcluster with the Kenwood 2200A 2-Meter rig.

    The primary antenna is a Hy-gain Model 18 AVT/WB-A ground mounted vertical. Other antennas include a Cushcraft AR10 vertical, a 10/40 meter dipole, a 6 meter dipole, a 6 meter J-pole and an AEA isopole vertical for 2-meters.

    My beacon is running at my work QTH with an inverted V 10-meter dipole dedicated to the 3.85 watt beacon transmitter.

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