Automatic Packet Reporting System Page

144.39 MHz VHF
10.151 MHz HF (lsb)


APRS.FI is a Receive ONLY program that is a WEB Page.
You can see Cars, Air Planes, Boats, Semi-Trucks and More.

from all over the world that has APRS on them.
Then go to right side of screen under INFORMATION = then goto "Stations Moving", And a new screen comes up and you will see alot of Objects on left side of screen. And if you click on one of the objects it will take you to where they are at.

CLICK   Here for More Information on APRS.FI


This Program is for your Home computer it will allow you to
receive and transmit or (beacon) APRS at your location.

CLICK   Here for More Information and "DOWNLOAD" the program