~ Corb's Corny Cornbread Recipe ~

I had to think about it for awhile ; whether or not to include a food recipe at a web site devoted to amateur radio. And then I figured why not . . . a ham 'n' cornbread are always good together . . . . Anyway, I've used this recipe for a long time and it's a good one, so I thought I'd share it with you. I don't claim to be the originator, I saw it somewhere. I've also seen similar recipes that use fresh corn cut from the cob rather than cream style corn from a can.

* Ingredients Cook * Directions


Not only is a ham good with cornbread, but other dishes are good with it too. The recipes for some of my favorite cornbread companions are listed below. Try 'em, I know you'll like 'em !

  Chili   Red Beans 'n' Rice Poncit