QTH: Rittman, Ohio Grid Square: EN90

Current Weather in Rittman, Ohio
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I would like to thank you for visiting my web site here on the Internet. On my site I have tried to provide information about myself in regards to my favorite hobby, Amateur Radio.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has prayed and supported me in many ways through my battle with leukemia. I am find and well thanks to the Lord and all who prayed. And a special thanks for the donation of the bone marrow from my identical twin brother, Rick (K8RMR)

My current license is Technician Class, as I operate mostly on 6 meter SSB, with a little on 2 meter SSB as the band permits. Yes, I do operate on repeaters of course. I am also active in SkyWarn. Our local repeater (W8WKY, Silver Creek Amateur Radio Association) is the Wayne County, Ohio, SkyWarn Hub.

My Site, About Me
My Church's Web Page - You do know Jesus Christ, right?
Picture of me and my Ham Shack
My QSL Card
My Club (Silver Creek Amateur Radio Assoc.)
My Vacation to Algonquin Park
My Cookbook

Amateur Radio
Ham Radio OnLine - Great OnLine Magazine for keeping up to date on the latest events in Amateur Radio.

NWSFO Cleveland - Skywarn
Reporting Procedure
NWSFO Cleveland Home Page - Storm Report Submissions
NWSFO Cleveland- Snow Report Submissions

Cloud 9 Tours
Weather Oklahoma Homepage Matt Engelbrecht's Homepage
ETA Model Forecasts
weather.unisys500 mb Hght Plot
NGM Model Forecasts
Satellite Page
Radar Page
Flood Map

Friends on the Internet
My Twin Brother, K8RMR
My Best Friend, KB8LFA

Contact Me: [email protected]
All material is Copyright (c) 1999. All Rights Reserved

Your are visitor: since 30/12/1999