This is my version of Bruce Vaughn's (NR5Q) "Ultimate Regen" that he described in Electric Radio Magazine December-2001, January 2002, and February 2002.

It is obvious to those who have seen pictures of Bruce Vaughn's Ultimate Regen that I have built mine a little differently. I happened to have a big National velvet vernier drive so I used it. My version is all aluminum construction to match other gear that I am using along side the regen. The controls are not yet labeled but the receiver is otherwise complete. Controls from left to right are Bandset Tuning, Regeneraton Control, and Audio Volume Control. The Variable Coupler Control is just above the Volume Control. My version of the Ultimate has the 6V6 speaker amplifier on the regen chassis instead of on a seperate chassis with the power supply.

The variable coupler is almost identical to that described by Bruce. It is one of the main reasons this regen works so well and was well worth the effort building it.

The front panel and tuning capacitor are supported by angle-aluminum braces coming down from the panel to the chassis, attached to the capacitor bracket along the way.

The schematic is essentially the same as described by Bruce Vaughn. It is an extremely simple detector circuit with no surprises followed by a conventional audio amplifier. Performance is, in my opinion, a result of Bruces clever coupling control together with very rigid construction which is essential for any regen.