Ron, WJ7R
Home Up Gene, N7YW Mark, N7MQ Ron, WJ7R Al, K7AR Lee, N7NU Jim, K9JF Bob, W7YAQ Bob, W7RR


Ron, WJ7R operating from his shack in Eugene, OR.

Ron Vincent (WJ7R) first licensed in Nov. 1963 as KN7UGV. First rig was
an Eico 720 (75w/crystal controlled) and Hallicrafters SX-99 receiver.
Worked about 40 states as a novice with that rig and a few JA's on 21 MHz
band later in 1964. Became WA7CGR in 1965 until 1987 when he (finally!)
upgraded to Extra as WJ7R. First love of hamming is CW contesting. He
enjoys seeking (or becoming) the pileups from time to time also. Just
worked E44 for DXCC #332 (includes 12 deletes). Also holds calls: ZF2RV,