Jim Williams, Sr.
500 Elm Street, Redwood City, CA 94063-2321
(650) 366-6509 or e-mail [email protected]
	College of San Mateo - pre-engineering
	Univ. S.F. - BS. in Human Relations & Organizational Behavior (3.975 gpa; 99% finished)
	IQ =143 (qualified for Mensa membership)

	In Management, Electronics, Computer Programming, Law Enforcement, & Teaching:
	Engineering Group Leader
	Linear IC Product Engineer
	MIS Director
	Audio Engineering Consultant

Organizations (past & present):
	Member of Free & Accepted Masons - Burlingame Lodge #400
	Life Member of the Telephone Pioneers of America
	Founding member of Mid-Peninsula Telephone Pioneer Amateur Radio Club
	Director, QCWA Int'l (Quarter Century Wireless Assoc.)
	President, QCWA  NORCAL Chap. 11
	Editor, North Peninsula Electronics Club
	Sheriff's Reserve (Patrol) & Sheriff's Air Squadron (Lt. as Adjutant & Air Ops. Officer)
	Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Explorer Scout, Cub Master, BSA Merit Badge Counselor

	Private Pilot (multi-engine & instrument ratings)
	FCC Commercial Radiotelephone Lic. with RADAR Endorsement
	FCC Amateur Radio Lic. (Extra Class-20)

	A knack for getting the impossible done & simplifying complex problems.
	Management style is discuss, decide, & delegate (or assign, encourage, help, and praise)
In electronics, experience with designing, manufacturing, operating, and maintenance. Experienced in telephone switching systems, 2-way radio, TV manufacture and broadcasting, aircraft communication and navigation systems, IBM electronic data processing systems, and linear IC design.

Started programming in early 1960's and have experience with FORTRAN, COBOL, C, SPICE, LabView, Vellum CAD, many types of BASIC, HTML, JavaScript, and about 10 other specialized languages.

Five years with the Sheriff's Reserve (Patrol) and 10 years with the Sheriff's Air Squadron (Retired as Lt.).

Taught "New Math" to 6th graders and electronics at Sequoia Adult Night School.

References on request