The Hayward Radio Club
P. O. Box 4502 Hayward, Ca 94540

Frequency Offset Pl
145.13 -600 127.3
444.825 +5Mhz 127.3

The HRC K6EAG repeater system consists of three separate repeaters located in the east bay hills on a ridge above California State Hayward. The elevation of the site is 1125 feet above mean sea level. The antennas are mounted to a 70' self supporting tower. All runs are through Andrew LDF-4 Heliax. The system is linked to all repeaters in the K6EAG system during morning drive hours (7 am to 9 am) and afternoon drive hours (4 pm to 7 pm) It is also linked during club nets, Wednesday 7 to 8 PM and RACES nets (Mondays 7 to 8 PM) Other times the individual repeaters operate unlinked. The 6m repeater operates at 52.76 MHz, with an offset of -500 KHz, a PL of 114.8 is required to access the repeater. The transmitter output is 100 watts, the W6NBC designed HRC constructed home made duplexer loss is approximately 3 dB, co ax line loss is .3 dB, the antenna is a Cushcraft "Ringo Ranger" with a gain of 2.15 dBd, the effective radiated transmit power is about 71 watts. Receiver sensitivity is -123 dB, with the system loss and gains the sensitivity is -122.5. The equipment is an RCA V-TAC VHF low band repeater modified to operate on the amateur frequencies. The 2 Meter repeater operates on 145.130 MHz with an offset of -600 KHz, a PL of 127.3 is required to access the repeater. The transmitter output power is 40 watts, the Store Bought TX-RX 6 cavity duplexer has a loss of 2.5 dB, in addition a EMR circulator is installed with a loss of .6 dB, cable loss is .7 dB and the antenna gain is 2.15, thus the ERP of the K6EAG repeater is approximately 26 watts. Receiver sensitivity is -133 dB, with the system loss and gains the sensitivity is approximately -131. The equipment is a Motorola MSR-2000 VHF Mid band repeater modified to operate on the amateur frequencies. The 70cm repeater operates in 444.825 MHz with an offset of +5 MHz, a PL of 127.3 is required to access the repeater. The transmitter output power is 40 watts, the Motorola duplexer has a loss of 3.9 dB, the co-ax loss is 1.6 dB and the antenna gain is 3.1 dB, thus the ERP of K6EAG 70 cm repeater is approximately 22 watts. Receiver sensitivity is -130 dB, with the system loss and gains the sensitivity is approximately -125 dB. The equipment is a Motorola Micor UHF repeater modified to operate on the amateur frequencies. The controller is a LINK RLC-3, equipped with a digital voice recorder a real time clock and a host of other features such as voice mail, instant signal check. The system is equipped with back up power and is located at a secure site.

Line of sight coverage of the K6EAG repeaters
Courtesy of KE6PID
Courtesy of KE6PID
Courtesy of KE6PID
Courtesy of KE6PID

Repeater coverage "Shadow Maps courtesy of KE6PID

Pictures courtesy of N6MON

Equipment description courtesy of KE6PID

The K6EAG trustee is W6ATV

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