Hello from Ozona, Texas. I'm Scotty Moore.

Now that I have learned how to put stuff on the web, I will try to bring to you lot's of photos of good buddies of mine that love the A.M. mode of operation.

here is a picture I stole from my good friend WA5BXO, John's web page.

The rig in the above photo is a pair of 833s modulated by a pair of 833s. I built it into two Bud cabinets. The final and power supply is on the left, and the modulator deck and control section with the modulator transformer and other associated junk is on the right. I had a ball hunting parts for the bucket of bolts. John Mohn (W5MEU) of San Antonio helped the mostist.

You can hear me frequently on 3880-3885 with the rest of the good old boys, K5SWK, W5MRY, W5MOR, WA5BXO, W5JPW, K5BAI, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

I also work slop bucket, but NOT VERY OFTEN!!!!

Coming soon----photos of nine of the best HAMS in the U.S.A. visiting one of the fathers of A.M.in San Antonio, John-W5MEU.

We all love ya John

Click here for more photos of John Mohn (W5MEU), Otis (K5SWK), Jeff (W5OMR), Jeff (N5ECP), Roy (W5MRY), Yoggie (KC5MIP), Steve (N5CQI), John (WA5BXO), Alton (W5FAP)

E-mail: [email protected]

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