Ham Radio Activities


May 1st

Tri-State Amateur Radio Group's annual Hamfest & Eyeball QSO. This years event will be held at the Northwest Inn, 1st Street and Hwy 270 in Woodward, OK. Doors open at 8am for the general public. Setup begins at 7am. Admission is $3.00 and tables are free on a first come, first served basis. We will have several door prizes and lots of fun. Close to lots of shopping and eating establishments. 

June 18th & 19th

Relay for Life. This year's event will be held at Boomer stadium in Woodward, OK. Activities start at 7pm. Come and join us for a night of fun and fellowship. Just beware, we get kind of goofy around 3am.

June 25th & 26th

Field Day. Location has yet to be set. Please check back later.


