Is it time to get/renew your license?

“Welcome to my amateur radio page de K4TW”.  (That’s what is being played at 20 wpm)

I got into the hobby through the “back door” in 1995. 

My wife & I love to go camping, and would go often to the North Georgia mountains.  A friend asked me if I would go with their VHF/UHF contest club and provide some camping/cooking expertise for the group on top of the mountain.

I agreed and did that for three years before one of the members told me about the new “No-Code” Technical license being offered.  I just figured that I could never learn CW, so this sounded like something I could do.  Besides, if I got my license, I could play radio with the rest of the guys…

Well, I got my ticket at the age of 50, but in order to upgrade I had to learn a little CW (Morse Code). 

Well, I fell in love with “finger-talking” and went from 5 wpm to 20 wpm in about three months.  Back then, that was the speed requirement to get an “Extra” class license, so I began hitting the books...  I hadn’t done that for many years.

A few months later I had passed all of the theory stuff and have been a CW Op ever since.  We have had to suffer without a cook on our contesting though...

FISTS #: 2129, CC #: 344

Amateur Radio Page

I support "Know Code"

Name:   Johnny Wolfe

QTH: Lake Sinclair (Sparta, Georgia)

Hancock/Baldwin County (EM83je)

Last updated: 12/3/2004, J. Wolfe

Visitor since 10/4/2002:

Thanks to Al Waller, K3TKJ at for sponsoring this service to us hams.

This page was created with Microsoft® Publisher and couldn’t have been easier!

KilowattFourTangoWhiskeyLake house in winterGrandsons: Joshua, Jonathan & Jeremy