WebWeather Program Information

The Windows 95 WebWeather program gets current weather reports and images from Internet Weather sources. Following is a description of some of the outputs from the program.

Below is the startup screen from the program. There are five main categories of reports that can be gotten, with many types of reports within each category. The screen shows a standard weather report found in the Weather tab. You can pick your State, City, and the report you would like. The program also allows you to enter different reports and cities from the pre-defined list, and remembers your choice for the next time you run it. There are similar tabs and options for Severe Reports, Hurricane Reports, and Hurricane Tracking.

Next is the Hurricane Tracking screen. You can retrieve current advisories for the storm name you enter (Erin in the example), as well as track Latitude and Longitude data. Another option saves the track data to your disk in the format used by the shareware STORM program, available here.

Next is the Custom Reports screen. If you need the program to remember more than one report in each category, you can enter as many as you like manually in this section. You can also retrieve graphic files and display them here. I have provided several sample reports to use as templates. This screen shows some of the samples I have provided. I chose Erin Track Graphic.

For the next screen, I have retrieved the Hurricane Graphic Track for Erin mentioned in the previous screen. I am using the Lview program to view these images, discussed below. The images are shown full screen size, but I reduced them for the purpose of this description.

Next, the following images are from other examples. This one is the US Radar Summary.

Next one is a satellite image called The World.

Files needed for Weather are in three groups:

1. WebWeather version 1.0 and its files.

2. OCXs needed by the program.

3. VB4 32 bit RunTime Library.

Group 1 files go where you choose, but all in same directory. Group 2 and 3 files go in \windows\system.

However, the weather server I was using is undergoing major reconstruction, including changing all the directory names, so the program gets an error back from most of the reports, since they aren't there yet. I looks like they have abandoned gopher, but haven't put back the data yet accessible via http.

The complete zip (Group 1, 2, and 3, also the WWWeather program in Version 2.0 ) is available here, on I-Drive, dated 2/6/97.  Download WebWeather.zip. If you downloaded the complete zip before, or you have all of the group 2 and 3 files, and you only need the current release executables, the Group 1 files only are available here, dated 2/6/97.

If you like the look of this program, send me Email and encourage me to repair it and I will if I get enough interest.

I may change to another site, or wait a little longer to see if they get it back quickly. The hurricane reports, and the graphics in the custom section come from a different site so they still work. The NOT WORKING url is: gopher://wx.atmos.uiuc.edu/ (you can access this from Netscape, and then read the newsflashes) and for example, the command the program uses to get my local weather is: gopher://wx.atmos.uiuc.edu/0/States/Florida/Metro Area Zone Fcst (Key West) which still isn't working as of today (1/28/97).

The complete zip also includes a setup program that will register all the ocxs and dlls, and install the program in a directory of your choice.

You must also have a program that can view gif files. If you can view a gif file by double-clicking on it in Explorer, then you are all set. If double clicking doesn't work, you can set it to work in Explorer using (View, Options, Filetypes), or set it up using the "Options" setting in the Weather program. You could use Microsoft Paint, or the freeware Lview31 program, as two examples. Lview31 is available here.

Paint came with Win95. The two setups would be as follows:

Paint: "c:\Program Files\Accessories\MSPAINT.EXE" (unless you moved it!)

Lview: Disk:\Directory\lview31.exe (E.G.: c:\lview\lview31.exe)

Enjoy the weather!