Program Setup

Setup Instructions:

Run the program and move the window to where you would like it to be on your desktop, then click Setup to set the Port, Speed, Radio, scan Pause Time, and whether your data has times in UTC (Zulu).  When you click Save Settings, the choices you made and the screen position are saved to your folder under the name Freqdb.xml.  See screenshot of the setup screen below.  You can also add radios to the list.  All the radio address information is maintained in a file in your folder named Radios.xml.  This file can be edited with a text editor like notepad if desired.

Sample files (K4MG.txt and SWL.csv)  are included to test the program.  

Operating Instructions:

Run the Freqdb program  and click on a frequency in the Freqdb window to tune the radio.  Click on the column headings to sort the columns, note the Main Window screenshot below has been sorted on the column Date/Time On.  A second click sorts in the reverse order.  To widen a column to see more of the content, grab the column header divider and drag to the width you prefer.    Click the Scan button to scan thru the stations from the presently selected  location to the end.  Stop the scan by clicking a station.  Don't select a station using the column to the left of station, it uses the wrong frequency (yeah, I know, I'll fix it RSN).  To change the file the program is using, click File, then Open.

Input Data format

You can have as many columns of data, with whatever content you like, with these limitations:


See the second screenshot for that uses a file named SWL.csv with different columns, and doesn't have a Time-Day column..  Also note Freq and Mode don't have to be in any specific column.

If you like the programs, or find bugs, or have suggestions for improvement, please Email me.

The Setup Screen:

The main window:

Using a different file with columns in a different order: