Welcome to my new ham radio web page.  The page is under construction.

My name is Marie.  I was first licensed in November, 1997 as KF4UUI.   I am a member of the ARRL and two local clubs -- the Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society and the Richmond Amateur Radio Club.  I have just completed a 2-year term as president of the RATS, and have edited their monthly newsletter for about 3 1/2 years.  I am interested in DX, contesting, and working special events.

I also enjoy promoting amateur radio in any way I can.  I have worked from a special event station set up at a local cinema for the opening of Frequency.  I have answered the telephone for a pledge drive for a local PBS TV station, representing RATS.  I also participated in a special call-in program during the evening news at a local television station, sponsored by RARC, to promote their license preparation classes.


DX, Contests, and Hamfests

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