

John Hillegass Jr.

29147 Raccoon Ford Rd

Burr Hill, VA 22433

Orange County

Grid: FM18bi

Lat 38 21' 5"

Lon 77 52' 4"

ITU Zone: 8

CQ Zone: 5


Enter your callsign to see if you have an eQSL waiting!





Yeasu FT-897D

Alinco DR-570 VHF/UHF Home base station

Yeasu 1802 Wife's mobile

Yeasu 1802 My mobile

Realistic HTX-202 VHF portable

Yeasu VX-170 VHF portable

Yeasu VX-7R Quad band Portable 6m, 2m, 70cm and 220 band

Antenna: Folded Dipole ( http://www.spiromfg.com/folded%20dipole%20antenna.htm ) This is the one that I have.

Foled Dipole Radiation Pattern

Military Equipment that I worked on

Picture page

Bio Page



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