Member Spotlight - WD4IYI
        Our member spotlight this month is on James S. Cook, WD4IYI, of Philpot, Ky., near Owensboro.  Bud was first licensed in 1977, and has had the same call from the beginning.
            He says, "I became interested in CW nets after Joe Miller, K4DZM, (Section Manager at that time) spoke at one of the K4HY Owensboro Radio Club meetings.  I began checking in on the Kentucky Novice Net when KB4OZ  was manager, and soon began working KYN while Ray, WA4WSM, was manager.  I have been net control on KNTN, KSN, KYN, 9RN, and was 9RN rep to Central Area Net.  A few years ago, I worked out of town and had to give up those jobs.  Since that time, I have not gotten back in the full swing.
        I've also worked HF mobile on vacations, hunting trips, and while working out of town.  This allows me to keep in touch with my wife, Nancy, WD4IYH.  One interesting contact was working  Gil Smith W4GIL (ex WD4BSC) on CW while driving throgh Boston, Mass.  Another time, while on a hunting trip to Colorado, I got some strange looks from guys in camp while I put up a 20-meter antenna made from twin lead antenna wire and fishing poles.  When the sweet female voice of WD4IYH came through, the looks changed!
        My wife is Nancy, WD4IYH, who holds an Advanced Class License.  We have two children and one grandchild.  My age is 59, and my other interests are woodworking, hunting, traveling, helping our son on the farm and with his greenhouse and, when I find time from those things, I work as an electrician on construction.  I have been an electrician for 33 years."    Bud, WD4IYI.

          At the right is WD4IYH, Nancy Cook, Bud's better half.  Nancy is quite an operator in her own behalf, and was persuaded to QNI on KYN to break the QNI record a couple years ago.  She's a good CW op, and we sure would like to hear her on the nets more.
          Below is the home station of WD4IYH and WD4IYI at Philpot, Ky.  Their first rig was a Drake TR4CW which they kept for about 15 years.  Bud says, "Currently using a TenTec Corsair transceiver with matching VFO, power supply, and antenna tuner.  Also have the TenTec Titan 425 Amp that I am not using due to a lack of space on our temporary table.  Antennas are an 80- inverted vee, 75 Delta Loop, KLM KT34XA Tri-band beam.  The keyer is an MFJ with Bencher paddles.  I enjoy working 2-meter sideband, also.  Our rig for that is a Kenwood TS711A, 200 watt amp, and a 16 element Boomer Antenna up 70 feet."

  As you can see, Bud and Nancy's ham interests are varied.   He is an excellent  traffic man, and helps with NCS and 9RN duties.  We're very fortunate to have him aboard KYN.
          One interesting story about Bud was the time Mike Bruce, KA4BCM, called him while Mike was NCS and trying to set a new session QNI record on KYN back in January, 1998.  We had been having high numbers of checkins, and Mike saw he was near the record, so he got Bud out of the shower, and held the net until he got dried off and dressed, and checked into the net!  He also had Nancy checkin that night, and I believe the record was set at 19 for the session.  We are still looking for that 20 station session, and may never see it.
          Bud also is a hunter, and has been out West for some big game hunts.  I believe the last was an Elk hunt, and, as I recall, he came back without a kill.  Thanks to Bud for all his good work on the nets...

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Published May 4, 2000.