K1TR VHF Contesting - September 2010

Sept 11-12 2010 ARRL VHF QSO Party
2006' Wachusett Mountain, Princeton, MA FN42BL

My recollection is that the last time conditions were that poor in the Northeast
was Sept 2003. It seemed that there were severe propagation blockages in the
usual high-QSO directions of SW and West.  The WA1ZMS (FM07) and W3CCX (FM29)
beacons on 2m had very respectable signal levels Friday evening but just
about vanished during most of the contest.  Offsetting that to some extent were
the decent weather (no rain) and, with the exception of my 5 GHz IF cable
failing, no system failures. 


  Low Power Single Operator Category - Submitted Score: 186k

Band Power (PEP) Antenna QSOs/Multiplier (grid squares)
50 200W 4 elements (redesigned Hygain) 213/28
144 200W 12 elements (FO-12) 181/27
222 75W 16 elements (FO-16) 71/22
432 100W 19 elements (RIW) 107/22
903 10W 33 element LY 32/14
1296 10W 45 element LY 45/13
2304 10W 52 element LY 23/10
3456 4W 52 element LY 13/9
5760 2W 2' dish, dualband feed 8/7
10368 1W 2' dish, dualband feed 9/4


Operating position in the minivan K3 + Elecraft transverters on the lower 4 bands Saturday was a beautiful day The view looking southwest on Sunday And they call this wireless?