K1TR VHF Contesting - September 2002

2290' Pack Monadnock Mountain, Peterborough, NH, FN42BU

The weather forecast of high winds on Mount Washington caused me to cancel my original plan to operate from there.

Poor weather gave rise to poor propagation on all bands.  After 8.2 hours of operation (Saturday only) and with some concern that tropical storm Hanna might make Sunday difficult, I packed up and went home.  Final Low Power Single Operator Category - Final Score: 41.6k

Band Power (PEP) Antenna QSOs/Multiplier (grid squares)
50 150W 4 elements (Hygain) 86/20
144 150W 12 elements (FO-12) 76/16
222 65W 16 elements (FO-16) 42/14
432 100W 19 elements (RIW) 52/15
903 4W 33 element LY 12/4
1296 10W 45 element LY 14/5
2304 10W 52 element LY 7/4
3456 4W 52 element LY 4/3
10368 0.2W 18" dish (Polarad) 6/3


The Shack and Antennas

View Looking West at Sunset

Radios for 9 Bands.  Computer Logging via CT.