(Revised August 9, 2003)


Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as to conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc



            The name of this association shall be the Nutmeg Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association




A.                 Membership in the NUTMEG Chapter shall consist primarily of those members of the Quarter

Century Wireless Association, Inc who reside in Connecticut, but may also include non-resident

members who desire to join.


B.                 The procedure for applying for membership shall be established by the Executive Board subject

to modifications by vote at any called meeting.



C.                 Only members in good standing of the Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc shall be eligible

for membership in the NUTMEG Chapter.




A.                 There shall be a President,  Secretary, and Treasurer. The immediate Past President shall be honored

as a Director until replaced by the next outgoing President.  These three or four officers will comprise

the Executive Board.  The Officers shall be elected by the membership.  The terms of the Officers

shall be one year or until their successor has been chosen.  The offices of Secretary and Treasurer

may be combined.


B.                 The President shall preside over the meetings.  He shall name such committees as the membership shall

direct and any special committees the Board may direct.  He may also change any such appointments.  In

absence of the President,  The Immediate Past President shall act.


C.                 The Secretary shall keep records, attend to official correspondence with QCWA Headquarters Office,

send Chapter notices and keep the records of the Chapter Membership.


D.                 The Treasurer shall have custody of the Chapter funds and keep accurate books of account, pay all bills

and  ordinary expenses.  The Executive Board may authorize additional expenses.


E.                  The Executive Board shall perform such duties as may , from time to time, be delegated to by the members,

and, in addition shall have a general power to act for the Chapter between meetings.  It shall have the power

to fill any vacancy until the next called meeting of the members.


F.                  The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members, who will be named no later than

November Newsletter, and the report of the Nominating Committee shall be included in the notice of the

annual meeting. Any three members may submit additional nominations, provided the names are in the hands

of the Secretary at least one week before the meeting.  Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Permission

shall be obtained from the nominee prior to the presentation of the name.




A.                 Ten members shall constitute a quorum. Notices of any business meeting shall be sent by US Postal service

or by Electronic Mail to the members at least 15 calendar days before the meeting.


B.                 Vote of the majority of the members present shall be sufficient to conduct ordinary business, and the election

of officers.


C.                 These Bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided that the  substance

of  the proposed amendment has been included in the notice of the meeting


D.                 An annual meeting at which officers shall be elected and reports made shall be held in May of each year at a time

and place approved by the Executive Board.  Quarterly meetings shall be held in February, May, August and



E.                  All meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.




A.                 Dues shall be six dollars($6.00) per year, payable upon application and on May 1.  The members may, by vote

at any regular meeting, change the annual dues and may levy assessments for special purposes.  Dues for Life

Membership of any member who is a Life Member of QCWA, shall be ten times the annual chapter dues.


B.                 If both husband and wife are members, the dues for both shall be the same as for one, and one notice

addressed to both shall suffice, except if the notice contains a ballot, then two ballots shall be sent.


C.                 The dues for a member admitted on or after January 1, and before May 1 of any one year shall be at the

annual rate and cover through the year beginning next May 1.


D.                 Any member whose dues shall remain unpaid for one year after the due date shall be dropped from the rolls

and shall be so notified by mail.




            The accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited by a Committee to be appointed by the President and always at the end

of the term of any Treasurer’s office.




            The executive Board may submit to the membership any matter requiring prompt attention for ballot by mail, excepting

officers elections.