BV9P Pratus 1995




William BV2VA briefing in the night before flight.

Landing permit by the Military authority.

Senator Ken BV2RA (center) worked hard for the negotiation. Unfortunately he could not join the trop due to his official works

Mike operates as BV2/JH1KRC



Loading tons of gears.

We flew from Shungshan airport which is used for military utility now.


 Our plane C130

With Mike JH1KRC

First class seats of C130 interior.

The pilot signed our document to proof our landing.




 All of BV9P stars at the place we stay for two weeks.


The Foreign Legion; Mike JH1KRC, Jun JH4RHF, Martti OH2BH and Wayne N7NG

Martti fired FT990 on 15m.

