To Jersey City Amateur Radio Club

Our October meeting is scheduled for Sunday, the 14th, but we didn't set a definite time. Would 5 PM be alright? If no objections then I'll send a notice to the newspapers inviting interested persons in the Hudson County area to join us. Mike Conte of the Jersey Journal seemed interested in helping us, so I will ask him for assistance in getting the word out.

Items for our meeting:

* Changing our name to "Lt. Robert D. Cirri, Sr. Memorial Radio Club" and discuss plan to expand county wide, to match the area covered by our Red Cross sponsor.

* Signing application for club station license.

* Reviewing paperwork for our incorporation.

* See when we can move the antennas so that, if they fall, they don't fall on the sidewalk.

* Reimburse John Hunter, KE2ZZ.

* Set a start date for ham radio classes and discuss advertising them.

* See if we can get volunteers to help Secaucus OEM with their antenna when they are ready to receive us (and perhaps integrate operations with them or establish some other type of regular coordination).

* Report from Max Samad, N2UVF, concerning ARES and liaison with the Bayonne Fire Department Canteen.

* Discuss liaison with the former YWCA, now called WomenRising.


Coming up: RACES and MARS affiliations to complement our primary mission of serving the Red Cross, and VE sessions.


Please tell your friends and anyone who might be interested about the meeting at the Red Cross building at 26 Greenville Ave. in Jersey City on Oct. 14th (5 PM?).

-- Rich Krajewski, WB2CRD

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