[PROTMAN] Drivername = PROTMAN$ Dynamic = Yes [NTSTS_XIF] DriverName = NTSTS$ UseMemory = HMA,EMM,UMB RcvWindow = 2920 VCs = 12 VCReceiveLarge = 6 VCSends = 6 Load = NTSTS.DOS[cbr] LANABASE = 0 ; ; Uncomment (Remove the";") from the BootpFlag if you ; choose DHCP. ; ; BootpFlag = DHCP ; ; Comment out the next 4 lines if using DHCP ; IPAddr = [] DNSAddr = [] DNSBackAddr = [] GatewayAddr = [] DefaultDomain = dr-dos NetSubNetMask = [] NetworkName = Local Bindings = "DRIVER_NIF" ; Uncomment if using token-ring LAN connection. ; TOKEN-RING = Yes [pktdrv] drivername=pktdrv$ bindings="DRIVER_NIF" intvec=0x62 [DRIVER_NIF] ; IOADDRESS = 0x300 ; INTERRUPT = 0x5 ; DriverName = EXP16$ DriverName = ELNK3$