Italian  Amateur  Radio  Station  

Latitude 41,9544N    Longitude 12,0785E    ITU Region 1 / Zone 28    CQ zone 15    QTH locator JN61AW


  I Z Ø Q P O - K B 3 W E L












My name is Fabio Andrioli, live in Ladispoli, a town  35 Km north-west of Roma (you see google maps),  the capital of Italy. I have graduated from the  electronic Higth School end job as techniciam in a  environmental services company. I like to build antennas, participate in the radio field day, camping and walking in the mountains.

My Radio Club is IQØHL ARI Altolazio

My call sign is: IZØQPO & KB3WEL

 IYØIMD QSL Call Manager

I hope to meet you very soon in frequency all band and digital mode

Thank you to visit my web page! and good dx            

QSL card bureau is OK!       



Visit web page ARI Altolazio radio club