PC/FlexNet Installation - Sample Configurations

Unlike other, monolithic AX.25 implementations, PC/FlexNet has a dedicated 3-Layer structure to gain the maximum of convenience for configuring and hardware independence. In other words: a typical PC/FlexNet Installation will alway look&feel the same, no matter whether you want to run a BayCom type serial modem or Ethernet or a Soundcard modem or any other supported modem hardware. You just put the parts together and it will work.

The first of the three layers is the hardware driver layer. This layer does nothing but converting the raw bitstream that comes from the modem into frames, and vice versa, converting frame data into a raw bitstream that is fed into the modem hardware.

The second layer is the AX.25 protocol stack. It interfaces to the driver layer through a unique software interface and thus is completely independent from the hardware itself. The protocol stack, as says the name, does all AX.25 protocol handling.

The third layer is the application layer. It interfaces to the protocol stack through a unique software interface and thus is completely independent from the hardware itself (sounds familiar, eh?). Applications may be Terminal-Programs, Mailboxes etc.
For those of you who are familiar with the ISO/OSI layers: Note that I did not say: "Layer 3 is the application layer." I am talking in terms of layers only to show the structure of PC/FlexNet in general means.

Having this in mind, the whole procedure of installation follows naturally: Each of the three layers is represented by a set of software modules. In order to install PC/FlexNet you need to install at least one module within each layer. In other words: You cannot run the protocol stack without having installed at least one hardware driver. You cannot run an application if you haven't installed the protocol stack.

Of course you can run the protocol stack without an application on top of it, but that would be rather senseless and unsatisfying, wouldn't it?

Basic Installation

The central module is the protocol stack. As this is the only module within the second layer and as you need to install at least one module per layer, the FlexNet Kernel Module is needed for any configuration you want to run. Also, this is the first step you have to take. Therefore I suggest that you download the kernel module now. Installing the kernel is extremely simple:

Create a directory on your harddisk, name it "pcflex" or whatever you think to be an appropriate name. Unpack the contents of the archives you just downloaded into this directory. Now cd into this directory. You should create a batchfile to automize the configuration steps or edit one of the samples I'll present now.

All modules can be loaded with "loadhigh" or "lh" to save some space in lower memory.

Sample Configurations

BayCom 1200 baud serial modem on COM1 plus TFEMU (TFX/TFPCX replacement)

    flexnet 30
    ser12 1
    fset mode 0 1200
    fset txdelay 0 10

BayCom 9600 baud parallel modem on LPT1 plus TFEMU

    flexnet 30
    par96 1
    fset mode 0 9600
    fset txdelay 0 10

TNC2/6PACK on COM1, 1200 baud HDLC, 19200 baud async speed

    flexnet 30
    6pack 1 /b=19200
    fset mode 0 1200
    fset txdelay 0 10

IPX (Ethernet) coupling, Novell shell already installed

    flexnet 30

IPX (Ethernet) coupling w/o Novell shell, PacketDriver installed on interrupt 0x70

    flexnet 30
    ipxpd 0x70

KISS point-to-point interlink between two PC/FlexNets' (COM1, 115.2kbaud, w/ CRC-KISS)

    flexnet 30
    kiss 1
    fset mode 0 1152c

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pages created by Matthias Welwarsky <[email protected]>
last updated: 01.04.97