Eye ball QSO

WW convers - Ch 14345, meeting at Friedrichshafen - 29/30 June 2002

From left ...dg9maq Ray, iw2haj Claudio, iv3dxw Claudio, iv3hwt Lucio, white dress back side s57c's friend, 9a1cal (9a6ww) Zvonko, 9a3pa Mate, g4hgi Richard, i5wbe "papi", pd2db Marcus, iw1esm Paolo, pa5ms big John, dg5cst Seb. From left down.....iz4beh Rob, little Philip hgi's son, ik2yxk Mau, dd0vf Steffen, s57c Branko.

by left up...Seb dg5cst, Enrico(papi) i5wbe, Jochen dh5hv, Richard g4hgi and his son Philip, Steffen dd0vf, Claudio iw2haj.... down ....Mau ik2yxk and Rob iz4beh

on left up... Branko's friend (sri call/name), Claudio iw2haj, Rob iz4beh, Mau ik2yxk, Richard g4hgi, Jochen dh5hv....down left....Mate 9a3pa, Steffen dd0vf, Enrico i5wbe and Branko s57c

 By left...Mau ik2yxk, Bart on1ckd, Rene on6yz, Eric on4ln By left...Richard g4hgi, his son Philip, Damien f4azf and his wife Nadja

By left.... Enrico i5wbe, Mau ik2yxk, Richard g4hgi