Capture of OM2TW the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 18th 2001

Here are the T and the W of the call sign, received with Spectran, together with what looks like a Loran line, at 135925 Hz. The S/N ratio was a bit more than 20 dB.

It looks like the timing of the QRSS keyer is not perfect, the second line of the W is shorter than the first, while the preceeding space is a bit too long. The QRG indicated on the display should be correct +-0.2 Hz

Capture of G3LDO and DF6NM the evening of Saturday, Dec. 15th, 2001


Here you have to add 135000 Hz to the displayed frequency.
The resolution was not much high, so it takes a bit of imagination to see the fequency
shift on the signal of Markus, DF6NM, but it can be seen.


Alberto,  I2PHD