QSL Information

I will QSL every station with whom I have had a QSO with. This is a part of the hobby that is almost as fun as making the contact. It is interesting to see the different cards come in from all over the world!

I QSL via direct only as I have not had much luck with the bureau down here in Panama. I know that I have had folks send QSL via the bureau, but in three years, I have never received the first card from the bureau, and that is sad.

My QSL address is as follows:

Graphic of my Address

You may notice that this is a Miami zipcode. If you are an American Station, you need not send an IRC as a simple 33 cent stamp will suffice.

I generally send a QSL back within a few weeks. If more than 5 months pass and you have not gotten a reply, chances are good that I do not have your card. Please drop me an email and I will get one to you.

Here is a sample of the card that you will recieve from me. This is the first card that I have designed myself and I am rather proud of it! I did the design on Corel Draw 8 and it was printed by Geoff at FDS Graphics in the UK. It was a little more expensive than some other companies, but the personal involvement he takes in printing the card is well worth it.

Picture of my QSL Card