TinyTrak, is a GPS position encoder which, when connected to a GPS and a radio, will transmit its location at an adjustable rate. TinyTrak is a construction project providing an inexpensive way to build a mobile tracker without the need for a full TNC. TinyTrak is configured by connecting to a computer's serial port, and running a simple configuration tool which allows setting of all user options.
  APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System
APRS Protocol technically Specification
APRS UK - Amateur radio AX-25 packet used for tracking and messaging around the world
UI-View32 Peak Systems G4IDE Programm mit Beschreibung
UI-View Web Resource G7OCW Zusatzprogramme
UI-View Maps ZL2UMF
verschiedene Karten
Map Wiggerthal / Map Gäu Switzerland Wiggerthal / Gäu 1:100'000 update 24.07.01

Wetterinformationen und Wetterberichte
Weather Display Die Wetterstations-Software
Peet Bros., Inc. Ultimeter 2000 Wetterstation
Wetterprognose Schweiz für die folgenden Tagen
SMA Mittelfristprognose Wetterprognose
Digital Atmosphere Homepage powerful weather forecasting

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