Kattints ide a magyarhoz


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After a few hours flourance on the sea of bits and bytes  you came succesfully  to ancher on my site What is appliing  HAM articles. Now This site is birthing. Therefor if  you'd much information, take a visit on pages of Hungarian Radio-amateur Society.

I start with introduce myself:

My name is Lajos Krajcar. I have got single ham licence since 1989. Before you could have been hear with HA2KMW. My main interest is dx-chase and competition on High Frequency.
I work for Nokia, I am a test-technician.

You can see my QSL card here

I spent a year at Balkan. These cards could have been received by everybody yet.

Nice QSL cards always make me feel wonderful (especially when they "come" to me)




bye, 73 & mni dx de HA2QW