Thanks to Frank for the pictures and commentary. To enlarge the pictures just click them.


This year's Field Day was held on private property owned by Larry AA6MV and
Marti N6ULI. What gracious hosts they were. We owe a great deal to Larry
and Marti's neighbor, Libby Sofer, and to Eric Hilding K6VVA, for finding
this site.

This year we had more participation, more antennas and many more QSOs
despite the declining band conditions. Eric, K6VVA, racked up the most
points and is now putting together the club's final score. The pictures
attached show the following:

A homebrew 20 meter Moxon at 25 feet. The antenna was designed by W4RNL and
assembled by N7FF. It worked pretty well despite a flaw in the assembly
noticed after Field Day was over! One of the side elements was on

A home brew 40 meter Moxon at 25 feet. The antenna was designed by the
Moxon tool found on the W4RNL web site and built by N7FF. It is a very
large wire rectangle with lots of additional lines made of twine to allow it
to be suspended. The hammock-like arrangement allows the assembly to be
slightly imbalanced to the side opposite the coax and then the coax is
pulled and tied to the ground to make the assemble parallel to the ground.
This puppy did really well on 40Meters. It was resonant at the low end of
the band, unfortunately. We need to shorten it a bit next time.

Besides these two antennas we had Eric's Carolina Windom that worked well on
80 meters, the club's tri-band beam on its new Force-12 mast and Randy Fox
W6JZE's R7 vertical.

The other photos are of various operators caught in the act! K6WWS and
KA6AUR are at the 6M and 2M location. Contacts on these bands were greater
than average. There were some nice little openings on 6 meters that made
life interesting. The twin yagis on 2 meters and the nice Yagi on 6 meters
worked very well.

KD6CJX acted this year as our camp cook and all around helper. Here is a
shot of Thom taking a well needed rest from the sun.

K6VVA is hot on either 15 or 80 meters at his operating post! He did do well this year
despite the surrounding local QRM! :-)

WU6Y pounded out the first batch of 40 meter CW QSOs as usual. Here he is
with a fresh supply of apricots supplied by N6ULI!

The last picture is of Tony AD6ID and Larry AA6MV working either 20 or 40
meter SSB together.

Unfortunately not shown are the 5 hams who operated for the first time or
reacquainted themselves with the hobby after being away for many years. The
list of operators this year included: K6VVA, AA6MV, AD6ID, K6WWS, KD6CGK,
KD6OPI, KG6TGA, N7FF, WU6Y, KI7TEN, KG6HUM, KA6AUR, KG6FZL and last, but not least,
Libby Sofer.