Saltire Scottish Amateur Radio Station Saltire



Station information
GM0JHE was licensed in March 1988 and is operated by Karen Hunter. The station is located in Glasgow and has the capability of transmitting on the following bands:

2mSSB, CW, FMYaesu FT290R/Daiwa LA-2035R amplifier30WHB9CV (indoor).
6mSSB, CW, FMYaesu FT690R2.5WTelescopic whip.
10mSSB, CWYaesu FT-8175WHalf-wave dipole (indoor).
15mSSB, CWIcom IC70725WHalf-wave dipole (indoor).
20mSSB, CWIcom IC70725WHalf-wave dipole (indoor).
40mSSB, CWIcom IC70725WHalf-wave dipole (indoor).

The station has also operated on VHF as GM0JHE/p and GM0JHE/m from a variety of locations in Scotland.

Upon joining the Radio Society of Great Britain in October 1985, a Short-Wave listener number, BRS88043, was obtained, and so began almost a year of frantic QSL collecting. During this time, some awards were gained (DX Listeners Century Award, Heard All Continents, EU-DX-D, etc.), as well as an appreciation of amateur radio operating practices.

Following receipt of the results for the May 1986 Radio Amateurs Examination, a Class B call was applied for. On the 28th of July 1986, GM1VBF took to the airwaves, transmitting on 2m FM, and later SSB. A few attempts were made at mobile or portable operation, not just in Scotland, but also south of the border as G1VBF/p & G1VBF/m, and even in the Principality as GW1VBF/m.

In March of 1988, GM1VBF closed down when the operator, armed with a pass in the RSGB 12 w.p.m. Morse Test, applied for a Class A call. GM0JHE started transmitting on 26th March 1988.

Not much has happened since!

Due to the operator's other commitments, GM0JHE has not been very active in this millennium! A portable/mobile QRP operation in North Wales, now a distant memory, resulted in only a handful of contacts, thus adding to the general sense of disillusion and under-achievement. Improvements to the aerials for both the main station and any portable operation remain the first priority, followed by getting "up-to-speed" on the key.

The operator of GM0JHE.....

Click HERE to take a look at some photographic evidence.


A note from the author
Humblest apologies for the state of this page. Needless to say, it is under construction. Knowing me, it may remain that way for a long time to come.

Created with Notepad

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You are visitor to this page since 23rd August 2003.

Thanks to Al Waller, K3TKJ for the free web space and e-mail address.

Last Updated: 01/02/2009 (Karen A. Hunter GM0JHE)
E-mail: [email protected]

For some reason, this doesn't work. Try GM0JHE AT khunter DOT demon DOT co DOT uk, instead.