19 August 2001

I was active during the activity weekend on 11 & 12 August, but only after 0700... must be getting old!!!

During the first weekend, I made 13 QSO's and added W2DRZ & IK3COJ to my initials.

I was also active the following weekend and added a further initial with F5HRY, increasing my standings to... 155 Initials, 30 DXCC Countries, 6 Continents, 23 US States, 25 Large Grid Squares & 117 Small Grid Squares. 

Here's the log:

Hyperlinks in text below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com

11 August

0800 W2DRZ O/O improving to 449/429 for initial #153, 0821 K2UYH 55/55 ssb, 0910 F2TU 54/45 ssb, 0924 IK2MMB 559/559.

12 August

0735 IK2MMB 559/559, 0822 OZ4MM 579/569, 0834 IK3COJ O/539 for initial #154, 0904 OE9ERC 57/56 ssb, 0921 W2DRZ 539/539, 0942 F2TU 54/44 ssb, 0946 K2UYH 54/55 ssb, 1000 DL1YMK 539/559, 1040 VE1ALQ 569/569.

18 August

0730 F6ETI 539/549, 0745 JA6AHB 549/559, 0802 F5HRY 549/549 for initial #155, 1210 F5HRY 549/549 again, 1222 F6ETI 32/51 ssb, 1302 W7BBM 529/559, 1339 VE6TA 559/569, 1518 HB9Q 589/529 what??? Also heard G3LQR and OZ6OL.

19 August

0830 The Sun was very close to Moon... Offset 6 deg Az & 1.3 deg el. I took the opportunity to check my tracking calibration using the Sun... all was OK and no adjustments were made. Sun noise was measured at 19dB with a Solar flux of 104.  

I called CQ until 0900 but found no activity and quit until later.

1132 DJ5MN 559/569, 1348 K5JL 589/589, 1503 W7SZ 539/549, 1618 DJ9YW 53/53 on ssb, 1626 F1ANH 549/549, 1657 W6HD 589/579, 1707 W2DRZ 549/559, 1721 F5HRY 549/539, 1812 Quit.


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