moniti  meliora sequamur    



This is the webspace of           Bill Lindsay-Smith (g3wni)


Address:-                                Way Close, Madford,
                                                 Hemyock, Cullompton.   EX15  3QY
                                                 DEVON.   ENGLAND
Longitude.  3.21deg. W.    Latitude.  50.89deg. N.      Locator.   IO80JV.  
 WAB. ST11
CQDX   ZONE 14.   IARU ZONE  70.  IOTA  005.  
E-mail        [email protected]


Membership:- CHILTON  DX CLUB..  DXCC.  FISTS No: 413.  
                        Royal Signals Amateur radio Society No: 0521.
                        Weston DX Cluster  Group
                         Radio Societty of Great Britain
                        Taunton & District Amateur Radio Club

        Ten Tec Omni VI  Plus.     Ten Tec Centurion Linear
        Yaesu.  FT100.   SEC  1223. Switch mode psu
       Antennas:-   1. GAP  TITAN. DX
                           2. Doublet. 40 mtr top with 40 mtr 500 Ohm open feeder.
AMU.    Drake 2000.  &  a   home made  one, dedicated to twin feeders
For DX Cluster:-  Kantronics KPC 3 & AKD 2001.  2m transceiver .
Logging  and Station Management  with  Turbolog  Version  3.18
Awards.  DXCC # 8022 (CW)  .   and   DXCC # 34,409(Mixed)
Interests.  DX-ing Minor contesting,  KITES and antennas,  Motor cycling, 


DXpeditions.  With Tom G0PSE  (see his web page for Logs & QSL information)
To Lundy Island (Bristol Channel:)  GB0LI  EU-120. in Oct: '97  & Nov:'99
To St. Mary's, Isles of  Scilly.   GB0SM  EU-011 in Apr: '98  &  Oct: 2000.  
The QTH was built in 1825 as a smithy.  Situated near to Dunkeswell Air Field 
from which  USAF B24s flew in WW11
 It is now a 4 acre agricultural small holding.
We used to have a small flock of sheep, goats and assorted poultry. 
But found it hard to continue, at nearly 80 years, of age. 
The animals are now 2 Collie dogs & 2 cats.



               site is currently under construction.
You are visitor number  since 06/27/99