The Cathedral of Murcia


Murcia cathedral

The architectural gradueur and profusion of works of art combine to make the Cathedral of Murcia into the monument par excellence of the City on the Segura.

Viewing it from a distance, and in particular when admiring the curvilinear facade designed by Jaime Bort (between 1736 and 1754), one gains the impression of being faced by a living piece of work, such is the rhythm and the expressive richness of each and every one of its elements.

Dating from an older period are the two other facades, that of the Apostles, Gothic in style, that of Las Cadenas (the Chains), Renaissance and Neoclassic.

Inside the Cathedral, which is basically Gothic (15 Century), two of the side - chapels are of particular interest: those of Los Junterones and of Los Vélez is Hispanic - Flemish Gothic and the choir stalls, which originally came from the Benedectine monastry of S.Martin de Valdeiglesias are Plateresue.

In the main chapel, medievel, Renaissance and Baroque elements unite to form a magnificent whole, girdled by Gothic railings in wrought ironwork

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