Hey, what's my QRA?


Having only just moved I tried a bit of CW - was I rusty. More embaressing than that, I couldn't respond when the QSO partner gave me his locator and asked for mine. sri om, just moved, locator unknown.

After doing a bit of a search on Google I found the site of V Owen who has written some useful pieces of JavaScript. His QRA locator converter requires you to enter only your longitude and latitude in decimal form (not minutes and seconds). The best website I found for giving you all the nitty gritty was Streetmap. So, in two easy steps:

(1) type your postcode into www.streetmap.co.uk. Once the map of your area has appeared, click on SHOW MORE DETAILS.

(2) Copy the decimal version of your longitude and latitude details (in the brackets) into the boxes on the qra site. Note, a positive number means east or north; a negative means west or south. Hit the button. Hey presto.


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