Barry and Limo's Bothy Adventure


So here we were, sat on the A82 (or A85? I forget. Must be the wine.) doing, zero mph (as can be seen). But a nice day. Headed out of Edinburgh and towards... the Bothy. We drive for 5 hours and then Limo says "Stop! This is the place, I recognise the church!". So we get out and look at the map.

It wasn't the place. So we drove another 5 moutes along the road and the 15 cars parked in the lay by showed we had found it. We donned our backpacks and lo the midge feast began. After about 45 minutes of climbing up dry waterfalls and crossing wet and muddy bogs, we took a rest. We shouldn't have had that last pint last night, I said to Limo.

We walked on.

Thanks to Tom H for the Photoshop montage.

Finally, it was visible in the distance, accross a field. "The Bothy," I whispered under my breath. "I'm f***ed," said Limo.

Bones, what have I done? She was our home for 20 years.

Dinner sur la plage.

Ahhh.Limo with his tree. Limo found leaving his tree somewhat difficult.

Then we went home

BPC (25/08/03). <all piccies taken with a Nokia 3650>