I am an LGV driver for a living and this truck is similar to the one I drive around in.
It's a Volvo FM12 and is quite nice to drive.The firm is general haulage but does have
regular collections and deliveries

This is the QSL card of Martin, M3VAN. Martin is also a driver for the
same firm and we often keep in contact via Amateur Radio. You can tell
by the ERF that he's been there a lot longer than me... He does, however
drive around in an FM12 now.

This is Derek G1NRE's truck and Paul M3PJL used to trundle around in this nice Scania.
If you have a picture of your mobile setup and would like to see it here, then so would I.
Send me a picture via e-mail and I'll put it on here.


Mobile operating


As I travel about the country a bit, I enjoy mobile operating and I use the repeater network quite a lot. There are repeaters up and down the country on 2m and 70cms and on other bands too.

Just recently there has been a lot of Echolink frequencies opened and it is now possible to talk as far away as Australia or USA on 2m or 70m.

A lot of amateurs are very active mobile. Some enjoy WAB, (Worked all Britain) where they go to some very remote spots and activate very rare squares.

Others participate in SOTA (Summits On The Air) and climb up hills to activate them.This combines radio and a love of the outdoors.

Others just have nowhere at home to have a shack so mobile is the only way to go.

Some nice American trucks....             
Too big for our little roads.      

International Farmall
