G0JZE's indoor back bedroom shack. This is where it all happens.

This is in the old shack. Too many radios, so little time...

    Shack Attack
Like most aspiring amateurs my first radio was there on the table by my side in the living room. As you can imagine, it soon became impractical and plans were put in place for a more permanent location.
A walk in cupboard just off the hallway was it's next location and in here I built up quite a bit of kit. You could also hear the morse code anywhere in the house. It soon filled up and it became clear more room was needed. It also had one major disadvantage. All the coax and wires had to go through the house and were causing RF problems at high power. She who must be obeyed also wanted somewhere to keep her vacuum and broomstick. Women...Don't you just love them...
So an 8ft by 6ft shed at the bottom of the garden became Le Chaque de G0JZE and I was happy 'cos it was right at the base of the tower and also had a good workbench.
Many a night was spent here chasing DX and chatting but before you know it the kids have grown up and flown the nest. Also, it was blooming freezing out there at times and boiling hot at others. So, the shack was closed, a lot of gear sold off and is now the neat compact station you can see. I do miss the bench, though. It was good fun pottering about with little circuits and home brew QRP cw transmitters.