The last DXCC country was born, the story of CHESTERFIELD reefs TX0DX

It was evident back in 1998 at the launch of the DXCC 2000 review that an other country was born, Chesterfield reefs. But, the first step for this was that the Association des Radioamateurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie (ARANC) become IARU membership. It was on 23 MARCH 2000, and FK8GM-ESPOSITO Éric is now the International Liaison Officer 

The magic day of March 23 at 00:00 GMT : When the news broke from Newington, the DXpedition party was already ashore on Chesterfields, ready to fire up signing TX0DX. The stategy was simple. The TX0DX Team had proven their stategical thinking a few times in the past. Go for the band with the most potential (15m) and simply run it dry, using both SSB an CW at the same time. Give everyone a fair chance to log at the least one contact with TX0DX within a reasonable queuing time..

The CW Team with Franck PETITJEAN (FK8HC), Trey GARLOUGH (N5KO), Wayne MILLS (N7NG), the  SSB Team avec Eric ESPOSITO (FK8GM), Pekka Kolehmainen (OH1RY), Martti LAINE (OH2BH), Pertti TURUNEN (OH2RF) and the 6m / 80m Team with Kan MIZOGUCHI (JA1BK) et Kari LEINO (OH2BC), all of these team made dedicated efforts.

The equipement was 5  YAESU FT1000MP with linéair YAESU FL 2100Z and beams on a  9 meter rotatable mast, also an four-square vertical for the 20m and 1 YAESU FT650  with an  amplifier FinnFet for the 6m with a 6 elts beam..


80m : 610 40m : 2091 30m : 146 20m : 12849
17m : 6505 15m : 24547 12m : 9726 10m : 13655
CW : 28835 SSB : 40475 RTTY : 819
EUROPE : 27521 USA : 21968 JAPON : 17462

QSL manager is OH2BN




Carte marine Carte marine Récifs et îlots Chesterfield

Ilot des 3 îles du mouillage Ile de TX0DX Le NIGHT CROSSING

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