QSL Card
Submitted by Sumner, W1VIV

The Circuit is in need of QSL cards!!!
If you would like to share your favorite QSL card, which could be your own, with the club, please send it my way!  A caption or story would be appreciated also.
Don't let not having a scanner keep you from sending in your favorite card.  Many FARA Members have access to scanners, including Bob, W1RH.

FARA Horizons

July 1: Monthly Meeting
July 26: Board Meeting

When Club Treasurer, Sumner, W1VIV, isn't taking care of our finances or operating radios, he is cruising around in his Triumph convertible.  If you missed seeing it at Field Day… Here it is as Sumner's cool new QSL card!

New Appointees

As the summer starts, the officers and board have made some changes in the appointed staff positions to better address FARA's needs.
Sharon, KC1YR and Director Dick, K1KTK have agreed to share the position of Publicity Coordinator.  These appointments recognize the constant efforts of both these members to inform the public and local officials of FARA's activities and projects.
Bev, N1LOO and Jim, W1EQW have been appointed to the newly created position of Public Service Coordinator.  Many of our activities involve service to the town or other nonprofit groups.  Bev and Jim will manage FARA's participation in all non-emergency public service events.
Please join me in wishing Sharon, Bev,

Dick and Jim success in their new roles.

Late Breaking News from the DRMA Auction in Kittery, ME
By Peter, KA1AXY

Director Dick, K1KTK and Treasurer Sumner, W1VIV have just informed me that FARA is the proud owner of THREE each, Tent, GP Medium.  These are the huge olive drab tents we have been borrowing from the National Guard (thanks, Sgt Randall!) for Field Day each year.  We now have our own, at the bargain cost of $80 for the three.
We plan to keep at least one of them, for Field Day use and one as a loaner for other Town non-profit groups (like the Celebration Committee).  The last tent we will attempt to sell, to recover the cost of the other two.  Our only other problem is where to store these

Congratulations to Dick and Sumner on an acquisition well done.  There's also a rumor that they did some outlet shopping while they were up there.

[email protected]

The FARA email reflector is working well. It provides us with an easy way to reach all our members who have email. You have to sign up for it to reach you, though. See the instructions on the FARA web page, and remember that, once you sign up, anything you send must come from the address you signed up with. If you change email addresses, you won't be able to post until you repeat the signup process from your new address.

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are as follows: (Make checks payable to FARA)
Regular FARA $10
Student / Retired $5
Repeater (voluntary) $10

Change of Address

If you would like to change the address on your Circuit label, please email [email protected]. Or, you can call Bev Lees at 508-626-2012

Now available as an Adobe Acrobat file
email [email protected] and we'll set you up!