Activities Director Steps Down

by Peter, KA1AXY

FARA would like to thank Marjie Stern, KA1HIA, for her many years of service as Activities Director.  Marjie has decided to step down, and FARA is looking for a new Activities Director.  If you're interested, please contact any of the officers.

Interested in Running a Net?

by Peter, KA1AXY

Don't worry, nobody will grade you on your performance :-)
We are changing the Sunday night net to have rotating net controls. I'm in the barrel this coming Sunday (11/1).
I'm looking for others who would like to take a turn. I'll post a schedule on the web page. Let me know if you're interested and what Sundays you're free for a half hour or so at 7:30 PM.
Oh...format? I'll also post a script. You can listen this weekend and see how badly I screw up :-)
The goal is to get people comfortable running nets. ALL are encouraged to try it at least once.

Do You Have an EMAIL Address?

FARA would like to develop a list of members' email addresses.  Please, send us mail so that we can add your email address to the FARA database.  Send a message to [email protected] and we'll take it from there!

QSL Card

Submitted by Bob, W1RH

Until recently, the Spratly's have been among the rarest of the rare DXCC countries. China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam each claim all or part of the 50 islands and, with the discovery of oil, are not about to give up those claims. Hams have been fired upon and some have lost their lives trying to operate from the Spratly's. Malaysia has developed one of the islands into a resort which has made it easier to conduct dxpeditions. Several of these dxpeditions, in the last couple of years, have given many hams the ability to work this DXCC country. I worked the Spratly's in April, 1990 on 10 meters from California. Although they were still very rare in 1990, this dxpedition was very easy to work from California.

The Circuit is in need of QSL cards!!!
If you would like to share your favorite QSL card, which could be your own, with the club, please send it my way!  A caption or story would be appreciated also.
Don't let not having a scanner keep you from sending in your favorite card.  Many FARA Members have access to scanners, including Bob, W1RH.

email [email protected] and we'll set you up!

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are as follows: (Make checks payable to FARA)
Regular FARA $10
Student / Retired $5
Repeater (voluntary) $10

FARA Horizons

Nov 5: Monthly Meeting
Nov 23: Board Meeting

Change of Address

If you would like to change the address on your Circuit label please direct all requests to Bev, N1LOO.  She can be reached by the following:
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 626-2012