The Hamfest

by Winona Poulton
Submitted by Richard Cosma, KD1BF

Don't forget the FARA Fleamarket on April 5 at Framingham High School!
John KF4OZY's teenager accompanied a group of hams to a recent hamfest.  It was her first such trip and she wrote a poem about it afterward. Does any of this experience seem familiar to you folks.
As I reluctantly shook the sleep from my eyes,  I faced the reality that I had to rise.  John was downstairs, fixing bagels for breakfast; In 3 hours we would be at the Richmond Frostfest
It wasn't even close to the break of day,  but Nick waited patiently in his driveway. While John and Nick gleefully talked of the fun ahead, I made the back seat into my three hour bed.
A speed bump woke me as we drove in the lot, Many were already there, for it was boatanchors they sought. Grumbles were heard as we waited to get in, Nick, John, and I stood right behind Herman.
As we stepped from the dark into the light, Middle-aged men were the only things in sight. Nick and John took their first lap around, John trotted back and told me of a radio he found.
He stood me in front of the table so no one could see, that under a box of junk was an SX-73. I glared at the hams and said "Don't come near!". Under his breath one asked what a girl was doing here.
"Is that what I think it is?" Herman cried, As he made his way toward it, pushing me aside. It was the prize of the fest, one must admit,  So for an hour and a half, there I did sit.
Of all the people, how could this lucky seller be late? Didn't anyone tell him all the good stuff is gone by eight? When he got there it seemed my Dad had the lucks, "What do you want?" John asked; "That'll be 45 bucks."
"Sure!" said John, in a big dash, He whipped out his wallet and dished out the cash. "Is he OK?" John asked in his head, Off in the distance, Herman was beet red.
John called Nick to tell him what he got, "KD4CPL, we hit the jackpot!" "The day is through" John said with a tear in his eye. Nick shook his head. "You're silly,

QSL Card

Submitted by Rich, N1YWO

"I didn't earn it, I just went and picked it up."

I was on the Ice from Oct '84 to Feb '84 and "Wintered Over" for the 82-83 season as the Station Manager of Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. When the last airplane left, the first week of February to the first aircraft inbound, in November, it was the Ham operators, both in our crew and in the States, that provided the "Ham Patch", the only link with our families.
If you would like to share your favorite QSL card with the club, please send it my way!  A caption or story would be appreciated also.
Next month's card will be brought to you by Paul King, N1VAM

Dad!" I said with a sigh. 
The rest of the day ran like clockwork,  Occasionally John glanced at the jealous hams with a smirk. Nick, too, got some really good stuff, But to match John's SX-73, that would be tough.
Through the fest Nick did roam, I held the fort, selling the wild resistor by the ohm. We decided it was time to say goodbye, So the Saab was loaded with Hallicrafter and Hi-Fi.
The SX-73 in hand, we got dirty looks.  Nick said "Clearly, this is one for the books!" The trunk nearly touched the ground, but off we went,  And on the

way home, at Wendy's we found refreshment.
Mary waved as we pulled in the drive.  I was so tired after sleeping I was barely alive. There's no better profession, not even a banker, Than the satisfaction of chasing the elusive boatanchor.


by Dick, K1KTK

Save the date. Saturday May 2, 1998, 7:00 PM at the Bella Costa Ristorante. Same price as last year and the year before -- $17 per person. More info in next month's newsletter.

FARA Horizons

Mar 5:  Monthly Meeting
Mar 7-8: ARRL International DX Contest
Mar 23: Board Meeting
Mar 25: Fieldday Planning
Mar 27-29: License-In-A-Weekend