Newsletter of the Framingham Amateur Radio Association January 1998, Vol. 65, No. 1

In This Issue

President's Message
FARA Membership Dues
Page 2-

Getting Started in SSTV: Part 2
This Month's Meeting
Page 3-

Dayton Scholarship
New Circuit Feature
and more...

President's Message

When I looked out my window this morning I noticed that my G5RV antenna which is strung along my side yard and into the back yard, lost about six feet of height because of  yesterdays "2 to 4 inches of  flurries".  I am reasonably sure that those flurries will be with us through most of the winter.  At least the antenna is still up.  That's more than I can say from last year following one of those ice storms.  'Tis the season that puts our antennas to the test. 
Hope Santa and the elves were particularly generous this year. Got my new HRO catalog not very long ago and the new toys are, as always, very impressive as are some of the price tags.  But one of the great things about this hobby is that there is something in it for everyone regardless of the size of her/his pocketbook.  Still time to start gearing up for sunspot cycle 23.
And speaking about Cycle 23,  I was recently talking to several of our newer hams who were not licensed at the peak of the last sunspot cycle.  I was explaining to them what life is really like at the peak of the cycle (you know, around the world on ten meters with fifty watts and a dipole fifteen feet off the ground).  There eyes just light up and they say things like "really?" and I say  "really".  Then they talk about like maybe it's a good time to start thinking about upgrading their license.  It's always a good time to upgrade.  73.
Jim, W1EQW

FARA Membership Dues

by Martin, AA1ON
Club Treasurer

For those who have not already paid, FARA dues for 1998 are due as of January 1st.
As is our usual custom, we will continue to mail newsletters for a limited period anticipating receipt of funds.
Dues are as follows :
FARA Membership

Regular $10, Student $5, Retired $5

FARA Repeater Membership
  All categories $10
The March (and successive) newsletters will only be mailed to those members whose payments have been received as of the March mailing date (Saturday February 28).
Please help us to make the best use of our resources by either bringing your payment to the January or February meetings or by mailing payment to:
FARA, PO Box 3005, Framingham, MA  01705
We look forward to receiving your renewal and continuing to provide a focal point for amateur radio in the area.

PacketCluster Committee Update

by Charlie, NC1N

As previously reported in the Circuit, FARA has formed a committee to investigate sponsoring a PacketCluster DX Spotting node in the Metrowest area.
The committee has now been formed.  It consists

Thursday, Jan. 8
This Month's Meeting

Marjie, KA1HIA

This months meeting will be an open forum discussion on antennas.  More information can be found on page 2.

Submitting Material to the Circuit

Material may be submitted for publication by sending it directly to the editor.  This can be done by phone, by US Mail, or via the Internet (preferred).  The deadline for each issue is the Thursday, one week before the monthly meeting.

by phone
(508) 435-2055 (before 9:00PM please!)

by mail

Robert Hess, N1UVA
1 Cold Spring Brook Road
Hopkinton, MA  01748

by internet

[email protected]

More on Committee: Page 3...