QSL Card
Card Submitted by Jim, W1XAS    Write-up by Bob, W1RH

FARA - The Early Years
Transcribed by Karen Hess

The Framingham Amateur Radio Association, formerly called the Community Radio Association, is fortunate to have the notes dating back to the Club's first meeting.  Karen Hess, W1RH's XYL, has transcribed the hand written notes, verbatim. They make for fascinating reading!
March 23, 1934
The 23rd regular meeting of the Community Amateur Radio Association was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Pres. McLean.  The secretary's report was read and a correction was made by Dr. Crosby.  The report was then accepted.
Dr. Crosby read a report on the Minneapolis club, letter and the report was put up to discussion.  Thompson, Ruland and Ted Love entered into the discussion.  Motion was made by Ed Parsons to send the report intact to the Minneapolis Club, also copies to be sent to Mr. Bailey and K.B. Warner.  Seconded and so voted.
Mr. Tedford told of a recent visit to the Newton Club.  He reminded the fellows that WIMW is the official forwarding station for QSL cards in this section.  He also announced that the Boston Club wants to have a hidden station hunt at their outing this summer.
The suggestion was made by Dr. Crosby that the club have a supper meeting at an early date.  The matter was put up for discussion and menus submitted by the Hotel Kendall were given to the secretary.
There being no further business before the meeting, it was adjourned by unanimous vote.
After the business meeting a fine talk on Raytheon tubes was given by Mr. Purrington of the Raytheon Co.  He also donated a tube to the club to be raffled off.

Take a look at this month's QSL. I did a double-take when this card arrived from Jim, N1XAS. The card is from a prized rare DXCC entity, Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. That is not why I did the double-take, however. It seems that Jim worked this great DX on 6 meters! That's right, the same 6 meters that Technician class operators can use. I should note that I have never worked any 6 meter DX beyond North America, so, Jim, I am really jealous!
Jim worked FR5DW on October 31, 2000. The mode was SSB.
Reunion Island is in the southern hemisphere, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. This small overseas French department is part of the Mascarene Islands , along with Mauritius and Rodrigues. 
The islands of Tromelin, Juan de Nova, The Glorieuses, Bassa de India and Europa are dependent on Reunion Island. These islands are only inhabited by scientists, but their economic value is important : they give France access to a wide area of territorial waters (useful for

fishing). Reunion is also a supply base for the Austral and Antartic Territories of France, as well as being a French military base.
The island was discovered by Tristan da Cunha and named Santa Apolonia Island. In 1649, the island was officially claimed by the French in the
name of the King of France. The island was named Ile Bourbon. In 1792, the island was renamed île de la Réunion (Reunion Island). In 1806, the island was renamed île Bonaparte. In 1810, the British took possession of the Mascarene Islands, and again used the name of île Bourbon for Reunion Island. In 1815, the British gave only île Bourbon back to the French through the treaty of Paris. Mauritius and Rodrigues remained British. In 1848, the island took back the name of île de la Réunion (Reunion Island) for good. In 1946, Reunion Island became an Overseas Department of France.
Thanks, Jim, for the nice card.