QSL Card
Submitted by Martin, AA1ON
Write up by Bob, W1RH

Contest Corner

ARRL International DX SSB Contest:
Eastern Mass., low power
2nd place - K1HT
4th place - W1VIV
Quite a few FARA members are contesters and now there is a place to share your scores.  If you would like to submit your reported score to be in the Contest Corner, please email it to me. 

[email protected]

The FARA email reflector is working well. It provides us with an easy way to reach all our members who have email. You have to sign up so it will reach you, though.
To sign up, send a message to [email protected] with contents "subscribe FraminghamARA-L". (Without the quotes, of course).  The subject can be left blank, the server only looks at the contents of the message.  You'll get back a confirmation, follow its instructions exactly, then you're on the list!

FO0AAA is the QSL card from the Clipperton Island dxpedition featured at this month's FARA meeting. The card comes to us from Martin, AA1ON. As is usual, Martin worked Clipperton on almost every band and mode. This particular card confirmed 12 meter SSB and CW, 15 meter CW, 17 meter SSB, and 20 meter SSB.
Clipperton is an uninhabited island located 1500 miles south of San Diego, California. It is a flat, barren roughly circular coral atoll 2 square miles, barely 10 feet high in most places but with a promontory 70 feet high surmounted by a ruined 19th-century lighthouse. Vegetation consists of low scrub, patches of wild tobacco, and a few coconut groves. The is inhabited by orange land crabs and various sea birds. Although 115 species of fish have been identified in the territorial waters of Clipperton Island, the only economic activity is tuna fishing.
Clipperton is named after the English

mutineer and pirate John Clipperton, who made the island his lair in 1705. It was listed as a U.S. island under the Guano Act (1856) but had already been annexed by France in 1855. Seized by Mexican forces, it was garrisoned from 1897 to 1917. With the opening of the Panama Canal, Clipperton Island attained new importance. In 1930, King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy arbitrated the conflicting claims in favor of France. It was a dependency of French Polynesia until 1979, when France assumed direct administration of the dependency.
This month - Popcorn and a movie - The Clipperton Island DXpedition


It's that time again. FARA dues cover one full calendar year. Please pay NOW to help your club. Pay the treasurer (Sumner Weisman, W1VIV) at the next meeting, or send a check to:

Framingham Amateur Radio
PO Box 3005
Framingham, MA 01705-3005

Regular membership -- $15

Student or Senior (over 65) membership -- $10
Repeater Membership -- $10

The Circuit is in need of QSL cards!!!
If you would like to share your favorite QSL card, which could be your own, with the club, please send it my way!  A caption or story would be appreciated also.

Change of Address

If you would like to change the address on your Circuit label, please email [email protected]. Or, you can call the Club at 508-879-8097

Now available as an Adobe Acrobat file
email [email protected] and we'll set you up!

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are as follows: (Make checks payable to FARA)
Regular FARA $15
Student / Retired $10
Repeater (voluntary) $10