QSL Card
Write up by Bob, W1RH

FARA - The Early Years
Transcribed by Karen Hess

The Framingham Amateur Radio Association, formerly called the Community Radio Association, is fortunate to have the notes dating back to the Club's first meeting.  Karen Hess, W1RH's XYL, has transcribed the hand written notes, verbatim, and they will appear in this and future issues of the Circuit.  They make for fascinating reading!

May 26, 1933

The 9th regular meeting of the C.A.R.A. was called to order at 8:45 p.m. by Pres. LaBarr.
The reports of the Secty. and Treas. were read and accepted.
Mr. Blanke moved that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the expenses of the previous meeting amounting to $5.85.  Seconded.  So Voted.
Discussion of suspension of meetings during July and Aug. by Strickland and McLean.  The matter was posted over until next meeting for settlement.
No further business being before the club the business meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
The remainder of the evening was devoted to a talk and discussion by Fred Ruland on power supply design.

This month's card features the island of Diego Garcia. The card comes from the W1FY Club collection. Martin, AA1ON, was at the controls of the Club station, W1FY, when he worked Jim, VQ9AC on May 23, 1992. As everyone knows, Martin is a great QSL'er. This card was in reply to the W1FY QSL sent by Martin. Jim notes on his QSL that he was running a TS-930 with 100 watts into a three element beam. Diego Garcia is part of the Chagos Archipelago. Chagos is a DXCC entity and IOTA AF-06.
Diego Garcia is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory formed in 1965. The island is one of 56 in the Chagos Archipelago which extends over an area of 22,000 square miles. The archipelago is located in the heart of the Indian Ocean, south of India and between Africa and Indonesia.
In December, 1966, the United Kingdom and the United States signed a bilateral agreement making the islands of the British Ocean Territory available for defense purposes to both governments. Both British and American flags fly over the island. The island is populated with many Royal

Navy and Royal Marine personnel and also houses the U.S. Navy Support Facility.
Mauritius has never given up its claim over the Chagos Archipelago. This area of the Indian Ocean, before Mauritius independence, was taken away by the British from Mauritius's jurisdiction and made part of the newly created British Indian Ocean Territory (B..I.O.T.). The British subsequently gave the island of Diego Garcia on a 40-year lease to the Americans for military purposes during the cold war era.
Chagos Island was one of the original post World War II countries on the DXCC list. At that time, the prefix was VQ8. It is now VQ9. Chagos is always a thrill to work because it is so far away. Propagation to the Northeast is good and you should be able to work it with an average antenna system. I also worked Diego Garcia from the Club shack. It was a good chance to check out the re-built beam!

FARA Flea Market
November 5