FARA June Activities

Bev, Dick and Nels meet with Flag Day Parade organizers. ~Photo by Sumner, W1VIV

The FARA volunteers before the Framingham 300th Road Race. ~Photo by KA1AXY

QSL Card
Submitted by Sumner, W1VIV

FARA Thanks Mrs. Janet Rugo

Mrs Rugo has again made a generous donation to FARA's scholarship fund. We thank her for helping us to award scholarships to club members attending college.

Field Day 2000

Field Day 2000 just finished up as this issue of the Circuit went to press.  Look for scores and more next month.  For now check out Sharon, KC1YR's pictures on the club web site.

Bev talks with race organizers after the Framingham 300th Road Race. ~Photo by KA1AXY

[email protected]

The FARA email reflector is working well. It provides us with an easy way to reach all our members who have email. You have to sign up so it will reach you, though.
To sign up, send a message to [email protected] with contents "subscribe FraminghamARA-L". (Without the quotes, of course).  The subject can be left blank, the server only looks at the contents of the message.  You'll get back a confirmation, follow its instructions exactly, then you're on the list!

This card from Egypt is one of the prettiest and most colorful QSL cards I've received in a long time. This from the 1999 ARRL Ten Meter Contest. I like it when the operator sends a photo of himself.

Bob, W1RH, answers questions on DXbase at the June meeting.
~Photo by KA1AXY

Change of Address

If you would like to change the address on your Circuit label, please email [email protected]. Or, you can call the Club at 508-879-8097

Now available as an Adobe Acrobat file
email [email protected] and we'll set you up!

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are as follows: (Make checks payable to FARA)
Regular FARA $15
Student / Retired $10
Repeater (voluntary) $10